“What if…” inventive thinking lifts your team’s perspective – to see beyond defensive risk-averse traps and generate better ideas.
Deep dialogues build trust and use diverse perspectives to sharpen inventive thinking
Practical online tools transfer new insights from biz case to biz results – so inventive teamwork accelerates progress, cements partnerships, brings ideas to life and generates wealth

Equip high potentials and brilliant advisors to come together as an agile cohesive agile-learning and inventive team with creative possibility-thinking skills and follow-up tools that equip them to…

Elevate accountability from “victim-of-circumstances” to “take-charge, make-things-happen, tip-the-balance” possibilities – so you come away with ideas to win new accounts, cement partnerships, accelerate dealmaking and solve vexing difficulties

Map interdependencies and hand-offs in complex matrix structures and alliances – to orchestrate and get the right support from advisors and executors, sponsors, gatekeepers and users – regardless where they sit on the organization chart

Look forward – to pitch more persuasively, pull strategic sales through the funnel, boost margins, accelerate product and service innovation, post-M&A integrations, bizdev turnarounds.

Build deeper appreciation for diverse perspectives – across cultures, age-groups, professions, personalities, genders, life-styles — to sharpen decisions, pressure-test designs and plans and mobilise support and initiative.

Overcome defensive traps, politics and other adversities – with the resilience and Courage to wrestle down key issues, find win/win/win solutions and sharpen up creative ideas

Set SMART KPIs with online collaboration and assignments – to operationalize big bold ideas, accountability and execution with diverse dispersed teams and multi-company alliances

Increase self-awareness and personal application of innovation leaders in key roles – with 360-feedback, business psychology assessments and follow-on coaching about the moments of truth when leaders need to continue to build Courage and accelerate wealth-creation

Past participants call Courage-facilitated workshops “THE pivot-point that changed the trajectory of enterprise-success” and “their best innovation workshop – ever.”  Years later, they still talk about vivid insights from simulations (like expeditions for riches in the Haida Gwaii Islands of British Columbia), and “the exact right balance between gameification and practical action planning,” and breakthrough scrums that lifted innovation initiatives to bold new possibilities.

CLICK HERE >> to start a dialogue about what a Courage-facilitated workshop can do for…

  • High-potential leaders ready for bold pivotal innovation initiative assignments

  • Your senior executive team – taking the enterprise to new heights with external advisors and key opinion leaders

  • Enterprise transformation, post-M&A integration or steering teams

  • Account teams, enterprise sales or salesforce transformation teams

  • Discipline thought-leaders bringing new safety, regulatory, finance, HR, diversity, PM, supply chain, legal or CRM thinking to drive profits

Before coming together, use GroupMind Express and other asynchronous idea-sharing tools so you come to the workshop or advisory board meeting ready to get to work on new breakthrough possibilities, rather than getting briefs and background information

After the “turn-on,” action planning tools make the workshop  a springboard to action – with new insights, SMART goals, action plans, collaboration and tracking tools to achieve your business leadership imperatives and deliver a rapid ROI

Click here > Let’s talk about how a Courage-facilitated workshop or advisory board and PowerUP new brilliant possibilities to accelerate wealth-creation in your enterprise

Download What do your leaders PowerUP brochure

Then – click here to see how PowerUP Coaching >> can cement the lessons learned in workshops – and accelerate transfer and monetization of your high-potentials’ new leadership skills


Executive coaching with business psychology PowerUP Leadership™ workshops Leadership development with e/m-learning, action learning, gameification, blended learning Diversity dialogues™ PowerUP culture & 360 assessments

Executive coaching with business psychology – meet challenges with PowerUP thinking.

Expanding a leader’s reach – to mobilize teams from other professional disciplines, from foreign locations or from new alliance partners or acquisitions? Tapping a leader for bigger tougher business, technical or caregiving challenges – or bold breakthrough innovation? Asking a leader to be more than the smartest technical expert in the room – and be more than a one-discipline or one-business unit spokesperson? Or smooth out rough edges?

PowerUP Leadership™ uses action coaching – feedback to lift a leader’s impact and influence, practice to lift presence and confidence, mobilisation maps to reach out and engage the right partners and advisory panels on the right issues in the right sequence, proactive rehearsal, after-event debriefs and shadowing to send the right plays into the game from the sidelines and the huddles. In 63 hours, leaders make quick changes that lift influence, presence and impact. In 63 days, see leaders PowerUp Brilliance in teams that used to be stuck to accelerate business success and get traction on their individual development plans.

Leadership development (LD) design and orchestration to prepare your best brightest stars for rapid promotion.

Preparing a cadre of 10-300 high potential leaders per year to be promoted into new roles with broader responsibilities? Deploying a squad of task force leaders to take charge of post-M&A integration, turnaround or innovation task forces? Or for expat assignments launching new operations or new offerings in foreign markets? Looking for a LD experience that generates quick wins and a rapid ROI, so that it is cash-flow positive within 63 weeks? And encodes learning from pivotal career-making experiences, to fish for a lifetime.

PowerUP Leadership™ uses blended learning to deliver a “once-in-a-career” WOW and build the competencies, systems and business acumen that are needed for promotion from within. We equip leaders to face new challenges with joy, resilience, mindfulness and a sense of accomplishment. We can deliver one PowerUP Leadership™ courage-building innovation module for your LD curriculum. Or, we can build a delivery system that includes a Learning Management System, with IDPs to track accomplishments and 360-feedback, C-suite fireside chats and action learning mentors, E/M-learning modules, action learning and peer or HRBP coaches and PowerUP Brilliance™ workshops with hands-on skill-building and gameification.

Diversity dialogues™

Asking leaders to PowerUP Brilliance™ with luminous efficiency – so conflicting perspectives sharpen up great thinking without creating distractions, defensiveness or residual heat? Asking rivals to build trust for transparency and collaborative asset management? Bridging differences with colleagues who rub each other the wrong way – or who start with loyalty to different legacy organizational cultures?

PowerUP Leadership™ shows leaders how to ennoble partners with cross-cultural awareness and agility — and with the flexibility to adapt to a mix of personalities, generations, genders, professional perspectives and native languages. With re-contracting to orchestrate team efforts across the globe and across the corridor – even when the pressure is on.

Assess your PowerUP™ wealth-creation culture.

Need to find out what your team really thinks about the new direction – and their confidence that they can PowerUP and execute? And see what actions you can take – to strengthen your innovation culture, in a particular team or business unit?

Our PowerUP™ Assessment gives you a profile of a work group’s innovation culture on the 5 PowerUP steps. With 360-feedback, it shows your leaders what actions they can take to lift the thinking of their teams, get traction faster and create more wealth.

For a serious Individual Development Plan, we combine the 5 PowerUP steps with a personality profile (like MBTI or DISC), Hogan Assessments, Cultural Agility and Benchmarks™ or the assessment you use in-house to measure your core values and competencies.