Leadership Development with Courage
Because it takes great leaders to
profit from great innovations

How to get more traction, support and opportunity by building more Courage


Leadership Development > Pitch Prep > Coaching > Assessments > Action Learning Quests > Team Mobilization Workshops + Asynchronous Collaboration
Equip leaders to lift followers out of risk-averse traps and optimize, not compromise success – with Business Psychology – like high-potential leaders @

Good business leaders show Courage
Great leaders Make Courage Contagious
to mobilize support + seize opportunities

Pitch + meeting prep
so entrepreneurs +
corporate innovation
leaders capture
imagination + profit
from due diligence

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How biz psychology equips high-potential leaders to thrive in bigger broader roles • Nail the next pitch + bizdev meeting • Hire smart • Mobilize + engage diverse partners • JumpStart Breakout Growth with serious fun simulations • Accelerate transformation + scale-up • Profit from asynchronous collaboration to wrestle down real issues • Break the grip of risk-averse traps with colleagues, investors, customers + partners + achieve Breakout Growth

Good leaders get everyone on the same page 
Great leaders build Courage to turn the page
with serious fun + joy over new opportunities

Equip key leaders
to break the grip of
risk-averse traps
with fun, hands-on
practice + practical

Up your Courage Knowledge: Get MAKE COURAGE CONTAGIOUS, the latest book by Merom Klein PhD + Louise Yochee Klein PsyD

How to profit from turbulence + diversity. How to break the grip of risk-averse traps – to get traction with investors, buyers, colleagues, matrix teams, strategic alliance networks. And optimize, not compromise, for Breakout Growth. In the latest book from The Courage Institute.

Courage – the kind that draws you in and lifts you up, rather than pushes you out of the way – is another Israeli discovery to profit + thrive through VUCA – along with what you already read in StartUp Nation, EQ, Chutzpah, Thinking Fast + Slow, Happiness, No Place for Small Dreams, The Goal, Thinking Inside the Box, FreshBiz, Lifecycles, ImagiNation, Leadership the Hard Way.

Good leaders communicate with diverse teammates 
Great leaders build Courage so diverse teammates
communicate well with each other

Give everyone the
Courage to see how 
they contribute to
the big picture +
PowerUP to make
a real difference