Courage uses business psychology to PowerUP Brilliance™ with …
Executive coaching
Accelerated on-boarding
Due diligence
Accountability and performance management
Pitch doctor design & rehearsal
360-feedback and individual development plans
Diversity dialogues™
Mindfulness for a cool head under pressure
Assess career options
High-impact leadership or board workshop
Executive coaching.
Get ready for a pivotal meeting – or contract for 6-8 months of behind-the-scenes shadow consulting and fly-on-the-wall support as you take charge of a new business unit, step up to a new promotion or PowerUP Brilliance™ and lift an old team to new heights.
Accelerated on-boarding.
Get to know “who’s who” in your team in an accelerated way – and let them know your expectations, decision-making and communication rhythms before there’s a missed hand-off or a faux pas. A single half-day on-boarding workshop can get you and your new team to mesh faster – or an assessment, feedback and talent review can help you deploy the right players to the right assignments.
Due diligence.
Before you hire the next key leader or make a strategic acquisition, find out if they have the right stuff to step up, drive value and create the wealth you envision. Before you bring them into your team, find out if they will PowerUP the culture or create defensive traps for other groups who depend on them for support. With business psychology, you can find out “what makes a leader tick” and how they will respond before they are tested by real adversities, conflicts or pressures.
Accountability and performance management.
Establish performance metrics and raise the bar to stay ahead of the competition – to hold your team accountable, recognize achievements and flag vexing obstacles that need “SWAT-team” problem-solving. Upgrade your rhythm of performance check-ins and portfolio reviews to get more from less capital. Design a system of 1:1 updates, ad-hoc pre-crisis briefings, round-robin Steering Team updates and posted-performance dashboards that give you the right performance data in the right intervals to optimize profits.
Pitch doctor – design and rehearse for maximum impact.
Presenting your innovation to outside investors, alliance partners or to your own board or corporate portfolio committee? Use business psychology to understand what will WOW and WOO your audience and get you the traction and support that you need.
360-feedback and individual development plans.
If you need to know what impact you are actually making or what habits affect your credibility, Courage can assist you with a leadership impact analysis. We can help you use th data to be more effective with your Board, investors or senior management — and to reach out to colleagues in other cultures and to direct reports who need to PowerUP Brilliance™ and do more faster better in your own department or business unit.
Diversity dialogues™ – to get past we/they so all sides work together
Finding it hard to get different personalities, nationalities, generations, professions or genders to mesh? Behind-the-scenes shadow consulting can make you a more effective mediator, when you bring multiple factions together. Or, a workshop for two individuals or 3-4 interdependent work teams can bring the sides together, unlock their potential and equip them to sharpen up each others’ thinking and PowerUP Brilliance™.
Mindfulness for a cool head under pressure
Convert anxiety to excitement and pressure to passion. Quiet the noise and the politics to tell valid feedback from noise. Maintain your poise and composure so fear creates urgency rather than panic. No matter where you sit in the formal hierarchy, you have the power to set the tone – if you know how to look within, step in and reach out.
Assess your career options.
Offered a promotion that will change your lifestyle – or ask you to be an executive or salesperson rather than a master craftsperson? Company acquired or downsized and figuring out what’s next? In a few 60-minute sessions, Courage can assist you to set priorities and point your compass toward True North. And can show you how to upgrade your CV, LinkedIn profile, networking and self-presentation skills to be a magnet that pulls in the right opportunity.
High-impact board or leadership workshop.
Mobilize your team and call them to action with new skills that PowerUP Brilliance™ – reshape the culture to win new customers, get the most from new collaborations, debug product development or regulatory strategies. In a few half-day modules – that can be combined for a hands-on, high-impact learn-by-doing workshop – we can show your leadership team how to escape the 11 defensive traps and turn adversity into a trigger for creativity, upgrades and inspiration.