Please enter your name and email below to download a description of the Courage Leadership Journey – for a cohort of high-potential leaders to build Make Courage Contagious leadership, shape the culture of teams and deliver a breakthrough business impact

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    Equip high-potential leaders to drive growth + accelerate transformation. Build courage to find the best solutions, create big opportunities, optimize rather than compromise, get funded + get traction. Seize the moment to lift teams out of risk-averse traps, not inhibited by silo thinking, fear or defensiveness. Make diversity a renewable asset. Prepare for bigger broader pivotal roles. PowerUP vitality, urgency, accountability, initiative. Blended learning includes online Courage Quests, assessments + Individual Development Plans (IDPs), action learning, hands-on simulations, 1:1 coaching, Zoom + live workshops. A once-in-a-career breakthrough development journey for high-potential leaders and executives that delivers >300% ROI.