
About Merom Klein

Merom Klein PhD, business psychologist and serial entrepreneur, co-authored the book Make Courage Contagious for innovation leaders. For 30+ years, he's equipped C-level teams to delegate, empower, trust and ennoble their best and brightest stars to Lead from the Middle, accelerate post-merger integration and drive innovation. And he's equipped mid-level leaders to step in, reach out, take charge and seize big new opportunities in matrix structures and cross-functional global innovation, talent management and M&A integration teams.


Case study #1 for LDP participants: You be the coach-orig Dear LDP colleague: This private post is for VWR LDP participants, sponsors, HRBPs, faculty and alumni. We will use it for online discussions - and as a forum for you to share leadership ideas. This blog will give you the first opportunity to share your leadership thinking and your ideas with the LDP community. In this post, [...]

By |2017-04-22T12:08:06-04:00June 11th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Courage: Now validated by Google to create a safe place for innovation

Google's Project Aristotle asked why some of their innovation teams soar and others sputter. Their results were reported in the New York Times. According to Google's research, innovation teams that soar create "psychological safety" for each other. But "safety" doesn't mean settling for what's easy, routine, average. With "psychological safety," teams that soar PowerUP imagination, initiative, take-charge can-do possibility thinking and Courage - [...]

By |2017-07-17T18:39:19-04:00March 5th, 2016|Company Culture|

PowerUP performance management

How do you deliver the message, so your Next Year Performance Discussion (and Last Year Retrospective) is an ennobling, uplifting motivating call to action? The 5 PowerUP Steps give you a formula that will keep the dialogue positive even if there are though messages to take to heart.  Here's how: 1. AIM high. Define success in the coming year. Show your [...]

By |2017-07-18T19:08:46-04:00November 8th, 2015|Company Culture, Leadership Development|

PowerUP due diligence

People. Everyone knows human capital is your biggest asset — and your biggest risk factor. So why not take a deeper dive into "people issues" when you do your due diligence -- to know where the "soft spots" are in the team and whether they are growth needs, fixer-uppers or show stoppers? For investors — a PowerUP assessment can tell if an existing management team has [...]

By |2017-07-18T19:14:22-04:00September 29th, 2014|Company Culture|

PowerUP adoption

Paying customers. Avid users. Devoted followers. Outspoken promoters. Nothing else is as important to succeed — whether you're a scrappy start-up or a giant like Apple, Sanofi or EPIC. To shift late adopters from naysaying and worst-case scenario-building to "can-do" possibility thinking. So they don't just see what your innovation can do for them -- but don't see how to live without the breakthroughs you [...]

By |2017-07-18T19:33:10-04:00August 30th, 2014|Coaching|

Lift inventive thinking above risk-averse traps

Diagnosis is Step 1 for Leaders to Make Courage Contagious.  Inventive thinking doesn’t “just happen” — even when you recruit brilliant stars, give them autonomy, give them funding and ask them to bring you their best recommendations. Can you recognize when your team, task force, Board Meeting or customer negotiation falls into one (or more) of these risk-averse traps - and gets derailed or [...]

By |2021-01-03T13:26:10-05:00July 22nd, 2014|Defensive Thinking Traps|

PowerUP your pitch

Are investors wow'd by your value proposition and unfair competitive advantage? "In fewer than 20 words," we ask presenters, "what's the ONE key message you want investors to remember about your pitch - that will call them to action?" Try it. See if you're clear - and if the take-away is enough of a WOW! to compete for share of [...]

By |2017-07-18T20:10:54-04:00May 30th, 2014|Coaching, Leadership Development|

Gameification to PowerUP Brilliance™

To make learning fun, turn it into a game - and put it to work There's a classic joke. In Philadelphia, someone asks, "How do I get to the Academy of Music on Broad Street?" The answer: "Practice." In his book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell shows that raw talent and insight are not enough. There are no shortcuts. It takes 10,000 [...]

By |2017-07-18T20:17:28-04:00May 28th, 2014|Coaching, Leadership Development|

Conflict – bring it on!

Will you have enough conflict - so your Big Idea becomes a commercial diamond? If you trade in innovation, you know the odds. Fewer than 20% get adequate funding. Fewer than that get launched. When you ask about the failures, you hear about product flaws and a lack of market traction. You have to probe deeper to see why really [...]

By |2017-07-18T20:23:11-04:00May 28th, 2014|Coaching, Leadership Development|

PowerUP Brilliance™ Profit from G&A

Take a G&A function — like yours With courage to PowerUP Brilliance™, you can transform your G&A function from overhead to a profit generator. You can be a voice of conscience and an advocate for adherence that says, "Yes, can-do" and finds breakthrough possibilities — rather than "No way" or "That's unreasonable." For example: A Marketing group projected a contribution [...]

By |2017-07-18T20:37:11-04:00March 31st, 2014|Coaching, Leadership Development|
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