
About Merom Klein

Merom Klein PhD, business psychologist and serial entrepreneur, co-authored the book Make Courage Contagious for innovation leaders. For 30+ years, he's equipped C-level teams to delegate, empower, trust and ennoble their best and brightest stars to Lead from the Middle, accelerate post-merger integration and drive innovation. And he's equipped mid-level leaders to step in, reach out, take charge and seize big new opportunities in matrix structures and cross-functional global innovation, talent management and M&A integration teams.

The PowerUP magic – and beyond

There's no bigger joy than a CXO's … …when s/he sees his/her team lift their game and PowerUP Brilliance™. That's the magic of a culture-shaping innovation workshop.  In just a few intense hours, we take a fresh look at aggressive KPIs, new standards of accountable care, lagging revenue targets, technical hurdles. It's always a thrill when a smart team shifts [...]

By |2017-07-18T20:45:22-04:00March 11th, 2014|Company Culture, Leadership Development|

PowerUP Brilliance™ How high is WOW?

The innovator's dilemma "SMART goals," the CEO said, "can only WOW investors and customers if we dare to set the "A"-level at Awesome and Audacious Achievements, rather than settling for something Achievable, Average, Adequate."  We can set Specific, Measurable, Relevant and Time-bound goals without making anyone's palms sweat.  But when we set the bar high and someone says, 'Ouch!' - [...]

By |2017-07-19T15:37:56-04:00December 29th, 2013|Company Culture|

PowerUP Brilliance™ Better faster leaner

Lean thinking to streamline work that does not add value - and find opportunities for revenue generation One of Merom's first consulting assignments, years before he ventured out and founded his own firm, was with a famous potato chip manufacturer in Central Pennsylvania.  Ask any Baby Boomer who grew up within a 4-hour radius of their factory and they’ll remember [...]

By |2017-07-19T15:43:16-04:00December 19th, 2013|Case Study, Company Culture, Uncategorized|

PowerUP post-M&A >> wealth creation

Will your M&A be one of the 30% that creates wealth? Just because a business model looks good on paper, that doesn't mean real people will do "whatever it takes" to bring it to life as scripted. Or that they will deliver blockbuster value. If you are a C-suite leader whose wealth depends upon a rising stock valuation and a [...]

By |2017-07-19T15:44:39-04:00December 13th, 2013|Coaching, Company Culture|
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